A Letter From Evan Bailyn
I am honored that you have found your way onto my foundation's website. The Evan Bailyn Foundation was born from a belief that every child deserves to feel an abiding sense of self-esteem. When kids know how they feel and can act out those feelings honestly and with maturity, they make the world around them a better place.
We all hold so much emotion inside of us, sometimes harboring feelings that are many years old. I believe that a society whose children are encouraged to be emotionally aware produces adults who are more peaceful, productive, and community-minded.
Before a movement can begin, little seeds must be planted. I hope for the Evan Bailyn Foundation to be one of those seeds. By supporting projects that increase emotional awareness, I am sending out an energy that has the potential to be more powerful than any one person.
Whether you are here to submit a project for consideration, donate, or just check out the cause, I thank you.